Arc of Alchemist is a game now released for the Nintendo Switch. Arc of Alchemist follows the story of Quinn Bravesford and her team. This team is out to explore the deserted world and find the supposed “Great Power.” This power is something that everyone is looking for, and will change everything for the ones who find it. The player leads Quinn and her team into the vast desert, surprisingly on the planet Earth. The world is a shadow of what it once was, and monsters roam the surface. There are countless beasts for the player to take down and many items for them to find. This world is free for the picking, and players are sure to find a lot if they keep their eyes open.

Battles in this game are seamless, and start when they come into contact with a foe. Player’s won’t know necessarily how many monsters will spawn in a given area. Sometimes there are multiple waves to take down, which is good because the players will level up with the experience. The beasts range in size, and some of them are downright massive. As the player progresses through unmarked chapters, they will take down bosses. These bosses require a little more strategy and can take down the player in a matter of moments. The first boss, for instance, was just a giant robot, but until I figured out how to use special attacks correctly, I’ll admit it gave me trouble. It might take a little time, but; special attacks and upgrades pave the way to success.

The characters each have their special attacks that change based on what weapon the player equips. Player’s have free reign to customize their party as they see fit; this is a new addition to this game. Playing as other members of the group will yield different strategies for the player to undertake. It’s good to jump between party members to figure out what these abilities are. Player’s will run around a decently sized world and take down beasts while gathering goods. These goods show up as shining lights on the ground. There are also monstrous things to destroy that yield other necessities. It’s necessary to gather as much as possible because the upgrades get steeper as the game progresses. Player’s will need a large number of things to max out their base and party. At the base, players will see different cutscenes between the characters. These cutscenes happen automatically upon entering the fort. They can be between any of the party members, so players never know what to expect. There are many scenes to see, and they do help to illuminate the characters and their ambitions. It’s great to have little cutaways in games that provide more substance, and Arc of Alchemist does it nicely.

This version of the game is different from the PS4 version. In this version, players can find items that they can sell for mass amounts of money. Players can find these objects in the over-world and are golden. Money is an important part of the game because players need to upgrade both their base and their gear. The game does have an excellent opening animation. I’m always a fan of an anime-styled opening. They always provide the player with a touch more context and show off the characters in a charming way. While this game doesn’t have a dub, it is subbed, and they did translate the story nicely. For this game, it mattered less to me what the characters sounded like in dub, so I’m not too troubled by a lack of dub.

Base upgrades are expensive, so it’s important to raise as many funds as possible. These upgrades also help make the team that much more powerful. Player’s get to plan their base out so it can look different for everyone playing. The base is a go-to place for when things get tough, though the team can heal in the field. While the game does look beautiful, I was noticing that in undocked mode, there was a little stutter. It wasn’t enough to put me off from playing the game, but I did notice a framerate drop. Though that could be because of the monsters roaming and the ever-present sandstorm in the first area. It’s good to be aware of this issue, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for anyone wanting to play it on the go.

Arc of Alchemist is a great game and on the Nintendo Switch its better than ever. Players will enjoy this game and have a lot of fun upgrading their base and taking down foes. The characters are cute and likable and the story is good too. Quinn and Co need help on this Desert planet, will the player help them out?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided