Fallen Legion Revenants, the sequel to 2018’s Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory is a game that was full of potential but sadly did not live up to what could have been. The game has a very neat premise where you control two characters within two distinct locations and take turns with each. We have Lucien who resides in Welkin Castle and Rowena, a ghost.  Rowena seeks to come back to life for her son, and the game sees you control both characters to defeat the villains.  Combat is done as Rowena, while the exploration and narrative segments are done as Lucien, which could have been good but the issues soon become apparent.

Lucien will explore rooms in Welkin Castle during the moments between mi in order to set up Rowena’s party and during missions, Rowena is in charge while Lucien will occasionally be in control of him to find certain items and coordinate with NPCs. It is not much but it does provide some difference from what a mission is typically like where your party runs forward while engaging enemies. The combat has not changed much between installments as all you really do is mash buttons for the exemplars and Rowena, who each get their own button.

There could have been a lot more done here, but the game quickly becomes repetitive and lacking. Combat feels the same over and over, and the satisfaction is low. The Lucien segments are a high point of the game as a result but even these sections slowly become monotonous as a result. The issue here is that Fallen Legion Revenants does very little to innovate at all, and aside from the nice art style, is a game you will grow bored of fairly quickly. It feels like the developers could have done a lot more to build on previous games, but instead, they just repeated them verbatim.

If there was more to do in Fallen legion Revenants, then it would be easier to take in but all you do is get ready for the next combat session when exploring the setting would have been appreciated. As it stands now, this is a game that will be fun for a few minutes, and then descend into stagnancy. It is not that the game is bad, as it was competently put together, but rather that it is derivative of what came before and does nothing to set itself apart.

Sadly, we cannot recommend it as is, but if you are curious about the game, there is a demo available if you do want to try it.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided