After 16mm film from Nintendo’s Wild Gunman arcade game was discovered last year, footage from another 16mm game Nintendo arcade game has been recovered. This footage is from the 1976 arcade game Sky Hawk, and contains 16mm film footage of remote-controlled fighter planes, which players must shoot down. One game will last 60 seconds, and if eight or more planes are shot down, the player is given a free game.

YouTube channel Critical Ephemera has uploaded some never-before-seen gameplay of the long-forgotten shooter, and one user on Reddit going by WentMadSendHelp reveals that the footage this time is run through the projectors sideways, facing a mirror, and the mirror rotates during the game to hide part of the screen:

byu/WentMadSendHelp from discussion

 The game itself is approaching 50 years old, and yet the image quality and audio are incredible for the time, and it should also be noted that this was before Nintendo of America ever existed. See footage of the game below
