Double Dragon is an iconic game, ushering in a love for the beat em up genre like nothing before it. It may not have been the first beat em up, but it was the one that got things so right. As gamers, we came to love its follow-up entries Double Dragon II and III, but many of us were disappointed in later installments. Super Double Dragon was just okay, and Double Dragon V was a poor fighting game.  While there were high points like the Neo Geo arcade fighting game, most of us were rather disappointed with Double Dragon IV ( released years after V).

However, there was a follow-up to the series that was well regarded by fans and critics alike in the form of Double Dragon Neon. Developed by WayForward Technologies and published by Majesco, Double Dragon Neon is half over the top parody, half loving tribute to the ’80s classics. Now released on Nintendo Switch, you can play it at home or on the go and see for yourself why this game stands out.

Worthy Successor

Double Dragon Neon is a truly excellent brawler, with a detailed combat system. The game has dedicated buttons for grabbing, kicking, punchings, running, and ducking, as well as special moves that you can use. There are a number of combo moves you can pull off, and everything feels satisfying. The weapons have limited uses before they break, and some items unlock hidden secrets. You can use money dropped by enemies to buy things like extra lives and upgrades in shops, so make sure to collect what you can.

Different cassette tapes can be collected as you go, and these have a number of effects, such as giving you new special moves or adjusting your stats, Enemies may drop these, or you can purchase them in the aforementioned shops, and different shops have other things for you to find and upgrade as well. I suggest experimenting with the right set up of cassettes until you find one that is right for you.

A Good Look

Double Dragon Neon has modern style visuals, but with a nice amount of references to depictions of the ’80s in media. The game has a grimy look and an awesome soundtrack, and nothing feels out of place here. The game lovingly acknowledges the ridiculousness of the situation, but still presents an awesome game for you to enjoy. Some of the songs on the soundtrack are so amazing, you will want to just spend time and listen for a few hours so you can enjoy them in full.

There is a good amount of content to unlock as well, and while I will not spoil anything, I definitely appreciate what Wayforward put into this game. Double Dragon Neon goes in directions you would not expect, and is so over the top, it becomes epic in the process. The classic themes and enemies make appearances in new ways, but it is never in a form that leaves you wanting more. If there is any criticism I can give, it is that there is no online play. I would have loved to have joined up with others to play online given the current situation but I guess co-op will need to wait for now.

Double Dragon Neon is a tribute done right, and I highly recommend checking it out. You will definitely enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: A review key was provided

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