It’s the first of the month, and that means a whole new batch of free games! First off, is Microsoft’s Games With Gold. June is the first month of Microsoft’s revamped Games With Gold Service. Although the free game service has only been available for a year, fans have griped over the amount and content of the free games offered each month. For starters, the games have been some of the oldest games in Xbox’s library and none of the games have been available to play on Xbox One. Microsoft has finally listened to fans and is offering two free Xbox One games, two free Xbox 360 games, and one bonus game for the one year anniversary of Games With Gold. I’m actually excited about this month’s free games, as I’ve been dying to play Halo: Spartan Assault and I’ve also been interested in playing Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood. The free games for Xbox 360 are Dark Souls and Charlie Murder. The free bonus game is Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade edition, which I’m excited about because my Hello Kitty x Street Fighter fight stick will be dusted off and getting some love this month!

I usually gush about the free games for PlayStation Plus each month, but this month I’m a little disappointed about the offerings. I would assume because of Microsoft announcing their new Games With Gold services, PlayStation is changing their services to two free games per console: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and the Vita. Formerly, PlayStation Plus offered one for PlayStation 4, three for PlayStation 3, and 2-3 for Vita. This month’s free PlayStation 4 games are Trine 2: The Complete Story and PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate. On PlayStation 3, we get NBA 2K14 and Sly Cooper: Thieves of Time. On Vita, there’s Terraria and Mutant Mudds Deluxe. Maybe I’m a little biased against this months offerings because I still don’t own a PlayStation 4 and don’t like sports games.

No matter how you feel about this month’s free games, you really can’t argue with free. Especially if you’re going to subscribe to monthly online subscription services anyway. Think of it on a positive note – at least you’ll have more time to focus on E3 announcements this month!
Doesn’t that pretty much elainmite the survival horror effect? I mean 2 felt like too much in RE5, let alone 6. Not to mention, this game will probably be balls easy on Proffesional if you gather up 5 other friends online.Although, mabye the 6 players is for some type of Horde mode, in which case, this news is f*ckin awesome!VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 7 votes)