The end has come for Friday the 13th The Game. Gun Media has announced that the upcoming patch will decommission servers for the game and revert things to peer matchmaking for quick play lobbies. That said. the database servers, will stay active to continue to house all player progression and unlocks,. This was players can continue to play Friday the 13th: The Game via peer to peer Quick Play and Private Matches.

This will be the final patch for Friday the 13th: The Game. In addition, the forums will be archived in a locked state, so that players can still reference the information on there. Gun Media will also be switching the game’s social media presence to a minimal approach for necessary announcements only. The game will continue to be available for sale, and as such will continue to receive support from for troubleshooting.

Lastly, the Double XP, CP, and Tape Drop Rates that was set at the start of the pandemic will be left active indefinitely.

