A major key for succeeding is positioning yourself right, as the right spot will let you use various noises as cover for your gunfire, so you can perform your shots without getting noticed. You even get suppressed ammo in this game, but the supply is extremely limited, so you will have to manage the supply carefully. Enemies are not idiots though, and the AI has been made much more reactive in this entry, so the slightest wrong move will have consequences. that being said, our hero Fairburne now has a lot more options for how to position himself and can hang off ledges, and climb pipes and walls for the better position to be had. This is a nice touch and the game has a lot more variety here for how you can go about things. The game also has night time missions, which are a series of scenarios with a lot of content. Each scenario can last up to an hour, or more if you attempt to do all the side objectives and collect everything. These missions have some of the most inventive gameplay the series has ever scene, and it is a real treat to explore what you can do here.
While the game has a co-op mode and multiplayer, I did not have the chance to look at those, and my experience is solely for the single player mode. As for how the game plays on the Switch, the port is magnificent. There is only a small visual downgrade, and the game looks amazing in both docked and handheld mode. The gyro controls work extremely well here, and can really help you to position your shot exactly right. It is amazing how well this port managed to bring everything to the Switch with minimal drawbacks. The few issues it has are mostly due to adjusting to gyro controls at first, as they do take some time to get used to. The other issue is that there is the very occasional frame drop, but fortunately, this is rare and not a regular issue. Overall, the porting was amazing, and for Sniper Elite fans, an ideal way to play.
In conclusion, Sniper Elite 4 is a must play on the Switch and a port done exactly right. Highly recommended.
Disclaimer: A review key was provided for this review of the Nintendo Switch version.