One thing I must tell before starting this review is that I am not that much of a local multiplayer fan. It’s not because I don’t like them. I do. But due to my job and responsibilities, I barely have the time for them. My kid plays with me a lot, and he certainly loves them because we can spend time together. Now, I have played a lot of interesting games, but none so far has been as wacky and overall over the top fun as Duck Game.
Duck Game as you might imagine is a platform multiplayer madness. You play as a Duck with an irresponsible amount of weapons to decimate the competition and to become the top duck, all while hearing the quacks of anger and defeat of your opponents.
The game’s objective is simple: whoever gets the most points in a four duck brawl wins. In order to do this, you have an arsenal of weapons at your disposal. Some are really cool and futuristic looking and some….interesting but deadly. In each round, you will be thrown in a randomized area with tons of items at your disposal to take down your opponents with several types of weapons like shotguns, revolvers, and the occasional sword or more weapons with a all enemies down approach like missile launchers, a powerful laser shot, shoes that act as grapple hooks, and so on. While getting to the weapons as fast as possible might give you a much-needed advantage, but even so, sometimes using the weapon the others neglected can give you the coveted victory, so due to this overall chaotic and hectic gameplay aspect, no two games are the same.
But what about those who want to dip their toes alone to get a head start? Well, there is a single-player mode, but it plays more like an Arcade mode. That being said, it feels like a really well done and challenging tutorial. Here you try weapons and different challenges to get one of three possible medals: Bronze, Silver, and Gold and. Let me tell you, these challenges are hard, so for those completionists trying to get to the top of each one is not easy pickings. Beating these challenges grants you tickets that you can use on the store to unlock hats and a lot of cosmetic items to keep your duck stylish.
Graphically, the game looks really good and crisp. I like that even with all going on the screen, you can make out items like weapons, bananas, and hats. They did a really good job with how the game looks.
The music is so good as well. Honestly, Duck Game went above and beyond my expectations, and the fact that it has online multiplayer is a huge plus in my book. During my review, the times I was playing online I didn’t have any issues except some laggy customers, but besides that, everything was smooth sailing.
Bottom Line: Duck Game can be considered one of the best multiplayer games that has come to Nintendo Switch. I definitely recommend it to fans of the genre, and for those on the fence, give it a try it might become one of your favorite games.
A Review code was provided for this review.