Some good news for shmups fans as Gokujou Parodius, the third title in Konami’s series, has received a fan translation. A user going by Blizzz revealed on the forums that they had begun working on an English translation for the Super Famicom version of the game this year and has now shared a link to the patch file.

Some features implemented include:
  • SRAM saving of high scores and settings
  • English translation for the opening text
  • English translation for the difficulty selection text
  • English translation for the roulette powerup popup text
  • English translation for the laugh attack of the level 2 boss
  • English translation for the text bubbles of the level 5 boss
  • And English translation for the Ending text for all characters (player 1 & 2 versions)


You can see some images Blizzz provided on the forums below


Via Time Extention