Halloween is a Spooktacular time of year and there are many ways people observe the festival. Video games are no stranger to Halloween and Haunted Halloween 86 is a neat little game that offers a throwback to the NES era and is a perfect game for those wanting something appropriate for the season. You play as Donny and Tammy as you fight your way through hoards of enemies like zombies and ghosts. If you are a fan of classic NES games like Castlevania, Vice Project Doom, and Double Dragon. this may just be what you are looking for. Though if I had to compare it to anything in particular, it would be the NES Simpsons games, but if they were done well as that is what they remind me of.

Donny and Tammy both play the same, but sticking to one character is a mistake. The two do not share a life bar, so swapping between the two as you take damage is a must if you want to persevere. There are various powerups and abilities you can gain over the course of the game, but which new ability you choose and when will affect how certain levels are played and what you will find. Your abilities also give new combat moves, so make smart choices in order to get ahead.

Haunted Halloween 86 was made as an actual NES homebew game, and the devs clearly knew what they had to do to get the most out of the system. The visuals are appropriately creepy, the sounds are well done, and there are neat cutscenes ( that can be skipped if you are uninterested). This is a well polished experience, with a lot of love put into it. It is not perfect though, as the hit detection could be better.  There were a few times I hit enemies but it didn’t register at all. In addition, jumping felt off in some areas and this threw me off when I was in some of the later parts.

Overall, Haunted Halloween 86 is a good game, that knows how to create a great atmosphere. If you are looking for a game to play on Halloween, then this is it.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided