Lost in Harmony is a game that’s out now for Nintendo Switch. This game is a lovely rhythm game and tells two stories that don’t connect. It is nice to play a rhythm game from time to time, and this one is no exception. This game is a rather nice one, and both stories are crafted quite well, it’s a thing of beauty in its way.

This game, however, is different than most as it is also a race to the end. The hero skateboards along a track in his dreams, heading to the end. There is a myriad of things to dodge like rocks, blades, cars and other things. The rhythm portion comes in at certain points in the songs and is all about correct button presses. Though, it is harder to push buttons accurately when the player also has to guide the skateboarding hero.

The story is a poignant one of love between two young people: Ava and Kaito. They just want to live life, but life has a way of messing things up. Will, Kaito, and Ava ends up happy, or will misery tear them apart? On the other side of the game there M.I.R.A.I’s Escape. This is all about an awesome robot trying to escape from his creators. This is more speedy fun, and it is nice to have two playable stories. It is also great because it is definitely a less emotionally charged story, and that certainly puts it in a softer light.

The music in this game is mostly classical music and other recognizable tunes. Though there is one song that has vocals and it bummed me out mid-playthrough.This particular song is the only of its kind in the game and threw off my inner rhythm. Not expecting to hear vocals I wasn’t prepared and my playing suffered. It is nice that this game is filled with songs that players should recognize. Often times when the songs are recognizable in this type of game, it is far easier to get through. Knowing the songs is half the battle, and having well-known songs definitely helps.

The game is a quick one and can be knocked out in no time. The stories are deep enough that players will want to keep playing them. With normal and hard difficulty there is even more reason to keep playing. The characters are also customizable which is a good thing. They get different customization outfits and can be dressed up as the player sees fit.

The game also looks nice in its anime-esque style. The backgrounds are all well designed, and the characters look great. Seeing the world pass by the player in the blink of an eye is also quite the sight to behold. The world quickly shoots by and nothing stays on the screen for long. It is just a great thing to see, as they had to make things visible but also looks nice and that is no easy feat.

Lost in Harmony is a fun yet challenging musical adventure. Playing this game will take some getting used to but once the player gets used to it, they should have a lot of fun. It is a quick game and that is a good thing because rhythm games can lead one down a rabbit hole. Lost in Harmony is out now on Nintendo Switch, and Kaito, Ava, and M.I.R.A.I need help in their adventures.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided