Puzzle games are an amazing genre, but they all have something in common. In these games, you rely on seeing details in order to solve the puzzle, and figure out what the solution is. But what if there was a puzzle game where you had to rely on what you heard instead of what you saw?

Unheard is a crime puzzle game with that unique hook. You hear the details at the beginning of the game, with all the details being known except one. You do not see anything, only hear it and must put the rest of the details together. It is a brilliant concept, but sadly I do not think it was done all that well here.

While it is a great idea in theory, the fact is that the puzzles just do not seem challenging at all. I was able to solve them and figure out the solutions quickly, and then found the experience lacking. I guess I was hoping for more, because the initial lead in was incredible, but the finish was just not there.

The actual stories are not much better either. They are perfectly suitable, but not compelling. I feel a lot more could have been done to throw people off and mess with what you think is the right solution, but that wasn’t done. Unheard just feels half done overall and that is sad. The concept is great but the follow through just doesn’t live up to the premise.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided