Crash Bandicoot’s newest game has now come to the Switch, and to quote the title of the game, its about time. The game was great on PS4 and Xbox One, but the concerns about the Switch version not holding up are unwarranted.  Aside from a few minor issues with loading times here and there, Crash Bandicoot 4 Its About Time seems to not only hold up well on Switch, but seems to thrive on the system.

The game sees Crash Bandicoot joining with his sister Coco to take down Dr. Neo Cortex and others like Dr. N Tropy, but there is a bit more to it this time, namely in how the game uses masks.  There are four new masks here and each offer Crash new powers that change how the level works, while each having their own personalities. First up is Lani-Loli, whose phasing powers allow the heroes to phase through different dimensions where things appear and disappear depending on what frequency are in. Akano helps players spin and hover while giving them another means of destroying locked boxes, and Kupuna-Wa allows the pair to slow down time making it easier to take down fast enemies and move on fast-moving platforms. Lastly there is Ika-Ika, who can change the direction of gravity allowing players to walk on the ceiling or avoid ground-bound traps. These masks are a game changer (pun intended) and manage to give Crash 4 a new sense of identity.

There are more playable characters as well though, and the game manages to bring a lot of variety in terms of gameplay style in order to change up the formula and bring in variety. This game will test new and old players alike and is a solid game in and of itself. We have Crash as always, along with Coco, who uses carries around her tablet as she takes out enemies. But the game also lets you play as Dr. Neo Cortex and more.  Cortex sees his levels taking place at the same time as Crash or Coco run through them, and it is Cortex who is affecting events when you see thing being destroyed or changed. In addition, we have a new version of Tawna, who comes off as a very different character complete with a grappling hook and a playable version of Dingo Dile who can freeze things.

The game moves away from the hub world format to the map screen instead, much like Super Mario 3D World. There is also more inventive to collect things this time, including gems which can unlock new things in the game including skins and the secret endings. Be warned though, that this  is a hard game and you will die numerous times. The more you play though, you will understand the levels patterns and manage to do better. The game even has a death counter this time, and there are sometimes goals of dying only three times or less. This will be manageable but you need to be patient as you go about.  There is a nice new addition here in the form of the Flashback Tapes levels. These levels are flashbacks that show the experiments and trials that Cortex subjected Crash to before the events of the first game. These are very different  types of levels and its a nice change of pace from the main game. These can be a bit of an endurance run, but they often mix up the formula and the different styles of the levels are a great ay to get more variety.

In terms of how the Switch version played, I have seen no real issues and have noticed that the visuals are redone in various ways to suit the Switch, rather than just being a downgraded port for the system. Whether playing on TV in docked mode or playing in handheld mode, the game plays amazing, with few stutters or hiccups in any form. This is perhaps one of the best ports to the Switch so far, and it seems nothing was done half-hearted here.

Crash 4 It’s About Time is a great game, and the Switch port is extremely well done. It may not be the best platformer around, but there is that special spark here. I have always viewed the Crash series as playing very similarly to Nintendo’s Donkey Kong series, and Crash 4 has that sense of variety and gameplay changeups while maintaining polish that I wouldn’t mind the next Donkey Kong game taking some notes from as well.  The different playable characters are great, and the throwbacks to the older games make this a treat for fans new and old. This is great for both those who have played Crash many times before, or those just starting now. I highly recommend this.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided