Judgment is an action thriller that puts players in the shoes of Takayuki Yagami, disgraced attorney turned rugged private detective, as he uncovers the mystery behind a grisly series of murders. Joined by his partner, ex-yazuka Masaharu Kaito, Yagami must claw his way through Kamurocho’s criminal underground to unravel the truth – as painful as it may be.
In addition to locale, Judgment takes on the classic hallmarks of the Yakuza series through the eyes of Yagami. Fans will recognize rough-and-tumble street fights, engrossing side missions with locals, and comedy breaks with mini-games. Judgment ups the ante with emphasis on investigative gameplay tracking suspects and discovering clues as Yagami walks the thin line of justice in a world of corruption. Packed with a thrilling story, filmic combat and a cast of intense characters, Judgment will keep all aspiring private detectives on their toes. |