Have you ever wanted to take down an evil organization while being stuck in a time loop? Well, poor Colt Vahn is living one day until he can break the Loop. Black Reef is a horrible place, but not for the reasons the player might think. There’s enough food, there’s cool tech, and if someone dies in an experiment, they will be back tomorrow. Colt wants out, and he’s the only one that can do it.

Colt is the former head of security; I say former because he’s rebelling against his bosses and his protegee Juliana is after him. Colt has one mission, to break the Loop, and the only way he can do that is by killing off eight visionaries that hold the key to the island and the time loop. Each of these visionaries is trouble, so finding a way to kill them all will take a little more than luck; it’ll take research and a few deaths along the way.

Colt will have to have his wits about him as nothing is as it seems. Colt’s memory is a little foggy, and it has to do with the time loop. He might not want to kill the visionaries, but if he doesn’t, he’s never going to get away from Black Reef. Black Reef is his prison, and it’s scary that he is the only one who wants off the rock.

Black Reef is indeed home to some of the greatest scientific minds of the 1960s in-game. These miscreants might not seem evil, but generally, the mad science of it all leads to them being down for murder if it’s for science. Players will likely develop their thoughts on the visionaries as they play, and some genuinely believe they are working for the greater good.

It’s great to see the relationships between the visionaries expand. As the player plays through the story, they will see that the visionaries know the others, and some get along while others don’t. While some might be best friends with the others, there are some frenemies among the ranks. Colt will slowly but surely gather the clues he needs to take them out in the same Loop, and it is all part of the fun.

Deathloop is a big mystery to uncover, with puzzles all relating to the Loop. Sometimes Colt will have to go to an area multiple times in a “day” to see things through. Surviving through the day is necessary because if Colt dies, he will have to restart the Loop. Restarting the Loop might restart the day, but the events will play out the same way, so he can quickly resume any quest.

Deathloop is a third-person shooter with quite a few guns for Colt to get his hands on. Some weapons are only obtainable after clearing story beats or hearing about them. It’s necessary to take note of everything and constantly check the mission list to find these weapons. Some of them can change the game quite drastically. The Strelak Verso is a personal favorite as it transforms from two pistols into a long-range rifle. It’s perfect for going in for close-range and long-range kills.

Colt will also get a few powers as the game progresses. He can pick up different abilities by killing one of the visionaries or Juliana. The visionaries always have the same power, but Juliana can have any of the powers the visionaries possess; since she’s on the enemy’s side. It’s up to the player to take her out, so track her down when she makes herself known.

There might only be five powers in the game, but each ability can be deadly. Players can chain kills with Nexus, throw enemies with Karnesis, bolster health with Havoc, teleport with Shift, and turn invisible with Aether. It’s possible to upgrade powers with Slabs gained from killing the visionaries, but the player needs to have enough Residuum.

In the early parts of the game, Colt will track down and kill one visionary named Wenjie. Wiping her out will give him access to Residuum and the ability to save his weapons and powers through the time loop. She’s been working hard to keep things through the time loop, and her invention makes it easy. Players will collect Residuum by killing foes and absorbing it from items. It’s essential to save anything the player deems valuable, or if they like the weapon.

Deathloop has a mode for multiplayer, though it’s not like usual multiplayer. When the player boots up the game, they can select either Break or Protect the Loop. Colt wants to Break it, and Juliana wants to Protect it. Juliana is a constant threat, and as Colt uncovers Black Reef’s secrets, she will appear more frequently. Depending on the mode, Juliana will either be controlled by AI or by humans playing the game.

Players can select to either play the game single-player without any non AI trouble. But they can also let either friends or anyone into their game. These two modes add a little spice to the game, as friends might go easy on Colt, but the player never knows who’s coming after them if the doors are wide open.

It’s wild playing as Juliana because players grow so accustomed to playing as Colt. They are both witty in their own right, but Juliana is the sassier of the two. Playing as her changed how I saw her as a character because honestly, I get where she’s coming from; Black Reef could be a pretty cool place to live.

One other thing I must mention, if it wasn’t clear is that Deathloop is a Roguelike or at least Roguelike adjacent. Colt does get a few attempts each day which isn’t unlike other games of this nature. At one point, Colt can head to Frank’s base and don the Class Pass. This pass turns the challenge up a bit by cancelling out all powers and killing Colt if he dies once. Players can use this in his base; but can also elect to use it outside his base, if they find the game to be too forgiving. Having this extra difficulty is great for fans who want to be a little more strategic.


I’m a big fan of voice acting, and Deathloop does not disappoint. There are very few characters in the game, so having them all have voices is almost feels necessary. Colt has a lot to say about his situation, as does Juliana. Players can eavesdrop and hear interesting things from visionaries and eternalists alike. I enjoy that Colt and Juliana both wax poetic and find the dialogue to be well done.

Deathloop has a pretty great soundtrack. The music in the world shifts subtly as Colt traverses the different areas and timezones. The battle music is excellent too: as it hypes the player to win every battle. The music subtly shifts in the end, letting the player know they can take a breath and relax for a moment. Every moment to relax is good, as this game does get chaotic.

Deathloop is a fantastic game and one that many will enjoy. Arkane has outdone themselves with this new game, and while it does feel similar to Dishonored, it is a different beast. Deathloop tells a brilliant story and is a fun game at its core. Players will enjoy the banter between Colt and Juliana discovering the world as they run through multiple loops. Colt has been living on Black Reef for who knows how long; will the player help him Break the Loop?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided