A major part of any RPG is the world you interact with. RPGs evolved from pen and paper tabletop games which required you to imagine the world you were in and obviously a video game RPG cant just be people sitting at a table, right? Well then let me introduce you to Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition. Mouthful name aside, the game is exactly as I described. You play as people who are playing a tabletop RPG, complete with a dungeon master, and go on quests within. The characters imagine the world that is described to them, and the imagination is shown as the game world.

This may seem like a strange set up but it works surprisingly well. Aside from a minor issue with some text being too small to see clearly,  Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition is a wonderful port of the game to consoles. There is some additional content that is added to this release, but the main game itself is still just as fun as ever.   Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition makes fun of RPG tropes and conventions as it plays around with them, and the result is a genuinely funny game that has a deceptively detailed combat system. The music is also a fun throwback to older RPGs, especially earlier CRPGs, and the experience provided will provide both a great amount of nostalgia for older players and a nice game for newer ones.

The Pen and Paper series that emerged from the original Knights of Pen and Paper is one of the more out there RPG series and is an idea I am surprised was not done sooner. Many have written this off as a cheap mobile game, but there is actually a lot of depth to the game. You will make choices, level up, go on quests and comment on the experience at the same time. It is a wonderfully Meta game and I cannot get enough of it. I am also happy that the Switch version retains touch screen controls, as they can prove to be faster in many situations. My only regret as mentioned, is the text size in some areas, but otherwise I truly love this game. I highly recommend that you check this one out.


Disclaimer: A review code was provided.