Pie for Breakfast Studios sent out the following


Pie for Breakfast Studios, an award-winning game studio blending play with the arts, and independent studio PxlPlz are announcing that the soundtrack for Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends will be composed by Wayne Strange, a video game composer, vocalist, and orchestrator whose previous work includes score prep work on game soundtracks like Star Trek: The Video Game and God of War: Ascension, as well as arrangements for Materia Collective and Video Games Live. The soundtrack will also include a guest track by the prolific hip-hop artist Mega Ran, whose music blends education, hip-hop, and gaming. He has covered and remixed numerous classic game soundtracks, including Capcom’s Little Nemo the Dream Master. Mega Ran’s recently released a memoir, Dream Master, that details his personal journey and is named after Little Nemo. Current plans for the soundtrack will see it exploring different genres of music, lending the game a lucid dream-like quality. Backers to the game’s Kickstarter can pre-order a copy of the soundtrack in both digital and CD formats.
Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends is inspired by Winsor McCay’s landmark 1905 comic strip, Little Nemo in Slumberland. Fans of non-linear platform games such as Shantae and Demon’s Crest, or retro action games like Little Samson will find a lot to love in Little Nemo!
About the game:

Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends, as in the 1905 comic strip, follows the adventures of a 7-year-old boy in the world of his dreams. Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends finds Nemo and his friends fighting off the invasion of the Nightmare Fiends, who threaten the existence of Slumberland itself!

Players control Nemo and his 3 friends: the magic-wielding Princess of Slumberland, the mischievous clown Flip, and the agile royal guard Peony, an original character created for this game. Each character has different abilities that help them navigate the dangers in Slumberland. The game offers a system that lets players switch between characters quickly, allowing them to use different characters’ abilities in tandem for powerful combinations – perfect for exploration and speedrunning!

Featuring hand-drawn, keyframed artwork and animation, Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends combines the exquisite art and wild dreams of the original comic with reimagined characters and new adventures. The game is currently in early prototype form and is tentatively slated to release in 2022.


Number of players: 1

Kickstarter campaign page: www.LittleNemoGame.com




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