Miitopia had its initial launch on the 3DS in 2015 and is out on the Nintendo Switch. Miitopia is a fantastic RPG; that allows players to cast whoever they want as the characters in the game. Anyone from the party members, to the final boss and even royalty, is castable. Miitopia is a perfect starting RPG, or great for long-time fans of the genre. With a wild adventure, a lot of humor, and heart, Miitopia is a game worth playing.

Miitopia starts with the character choosing its main character. The player can choose whoever they’d like as the main character, and they also get to choose their personality. The player will soon also pick a job after agreeing to save a woman’s son. These details are important as they both help guide the game. The game is surprisingly deep if the player is willing to delve deep. The personality system is an interesting one, as the characters besides the main character act on their own. Players can match personalities to jobs that make the most sense or go wild. A character, for instance, could be kind; so they might heal others often. If they are stubborn, they might attack twice, and if they are cautious, they might take a second before they attack. These different personalities change the game, so choose wisely. Though players can always change the personalities later, so don’t worry too much.

The jobs are pretty standard at the beginning with choices like mage and warrior, though pop star and chef are different choices. There are plenty of other jobs to choose from as the game continues, but it’s nice to see familiar job types in the opening hours. Later on, players can be tanks or flowers, or imps, among a few others. The jobs are all fun in their ways, and it’s great making a diverse party. There is a new feature that fans have been excited to try out. It’s the make-up and wig feature. This feature allows players to put make-up on their characters to change their appearance rather drastically. The wigs add another layer of personality and make it even easier to make one’s favorite characters if that’s the route they want to go.

Players will start from the small town of Greenhorne, where they will learn that a vicious Dark Lord has taken people’s faces. After the strike, the hero takes on the quest to save them, and the adventure begins. Miitopia is standard RPG fare, and it all begins; with a battle against a rock moth. Players take down monsters guiding their main character. The main character is the only one the player can control. The other characters do what they want if it is good or bad. It all depends on their interactions with other characters and their personalities. Sometimes the characters might clash or be supportive, and either way, things can blow up. There is a bit of luck involved, but the game isn’t too hard, so even with a little trouble the player shouldn’t have too many issues with anything.

The party members will level up along with the player, as long as they fight. If they don’t fight they won’t gain levels, and this will become important, as the player should be working to try to keep the party members at similar levels. Miitopia slowly but surely gets harder, as the enemies get stronger. It’s never too hard, but it’s still a good idea for players to be ready for anything. Players will battle through different areas, fighting a myriad of foes. Taking them down will restore the faces of the people. It’s an interesting concept even though there are only so many visible characters in the game. It’s interesting that some creatures only have a single face part on them. The game is great because the enemies are often quite humorous, especially with face parts on them.

The player will select places to go, and the characters will walk along a path. There are different paths split off in different directions, so it might take some time to clear every path. It’s worth exploring as there is a lot of loot for players to pick up. The character only really gets stronger if they level up their gear and themselves at the same time. It’s a good idea to head down every path and slowly but surely clear every area.

After a day of adventuring players will head to the inn. An inn is a great place for players to check in on their party. By having characters room together, they will become friends, and give gifts to each other, among other things. The characters becoming friends is good for other reasons too. The inn holds a few other functions which will help make the game even more interesting as well. Feeding the Miis is a great way to enhance the party. It’s fun seeing which foods the characters like, and which ones they hate. The player may be surprised at which foods their characters like or dislike. One player might for instance love devil’s food cake, and another might hate it. No one knows how food will go down for a character, so try them all out, and make them strong.

There is also the chance to use a play ticket to play a game. Player’s can play roulette, to gain items or experience. It’s great to do this when the chance for a good reward is higher. There is also Rock-Paper-Scissors where players can bet if they will win a match and get double the money each time they win. The roulette is a fairer choice, and players can make a killing if they sell what they already have. Players can, for instance, use an outing ticket to send their character’s on an outing. This is a new feature in the game, and it’s great to see the characters interact in different settings. As a reward players will also receive a souvenir, which is usually a food item.

Players will want to keep their characters interacting as there are a variety of benefits. As they bond, they gain more abilities that help make battles more interesting. They might help each other more in battle, remove a status effect, or cheer them up. They can bond with more than one character which will increase the chance that these little events occur. The more characters that interact, the stronger the effect or group attack is.

The game itself is split into a few chapters, where players control a few teams. There are boss fights spread without, and some are rather challenging. After the player clears the game for the first time, the game isn’t over, and there is more to do. This game takes a good forty hours to complete, if players take their time, and head down all of the paths. There is eventually the chance to travel to a special location. This area is discovered in the post-game but allows players to take on daily quests. It helps to make this game a near-infinite experience. Heading there will show off a random assortment of characters, each with a quest to undertake. These quests change based on the level of the highest character in the party.

The game also adds a horse to the mix. The horse is a solid addition to the game and allows players to use several attacks in battle if the horse likes the characters. The player finds the horse early on and also gets to choose what it looks like, so have fun creating a perfect equine companion. The horse can even go on special horse outings with party members to make it friendly with them. There are also special attacks with the horse; that change with the player’s job, and they are quite humorous indeed.

Miitopia’s music is great, and there are several tracks that the player can enjoy listening to. The battle themes are often different and, players will hear a variety of songs as they play through this wonderful adventure. It’s quite fun, seeing what music will pop up when, and some of the music is quite good.

All in all, Miitopia is an excellent game, and it is worth getting for the Nintendo Switch. Whether the player has played the game before or not a grand adventure awaits. This game is fun for players of all ages, and anyone willing to play it is sure to have a good time. It can be as long or short as the player wishes, and with the press of a button, players can speed any action up. So it’s the perfect game for anyone who wants to take their friends and family on a grand adventure. The world is in a terrible state; will the player guide their favorites to help save it?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided