Miitopia is a strange and wonderful adventure starring just about anyone the player wishes. This phenomenal game originally came out on the 3DS but is getting new life with a port for the Nintendo Switch. With a few new bells and whistles, this game is back and better than ever. Miitopia is a game that has a lot to give if players are willing to take it all in. It’s a stellar RPG, that might look childish at first but really is quite charming. Imagine setting out on a journey with the people dearest to the player. Bring grandma, an anime character, and the family dog along. Anyone can be a hero in Miitopia.

The game starts with a simple premise, the hero must take down the dark lord. This dark lord has stolen the faces of many citizens and has given them to monsters. By slaying the monsters, the faces return to their rightful home. A good number of the characters must be cast and it’s up to the player to cast them all. In the demo, the player chooses what a few townsfolk, 4 party members, and a guard look like. Players can do what they want and that’s why this game is so good.

Players start by making a Mii if they haven’t done that yet. The Mii maker is a staple of Nintendo games now and has been since the Wii Era. In Miitopia on the Switch, the Mii Maker finally gets its first big update. While the Mii Maker itself is the same, there is an added wig and makeup feature. This handy feature allows players to added makeup to their character and rather drastically change their hairstyle. It’s a pretty big step and allows for players to make their favorite anime characters too which is a big plus. These tools are being used to do the unimaginable, making just about every character players could want. Players are making all sorts of characters, using these tools and it’s a sight to behold. Players don’t even have to work on their own characters, because it’s easy to bring in other people’s characters. Players simply have to look for the access code. Go on Twitter, for example, search Miitopia access code and find innumerable amounts of Miis ready to adventure with the player.

It’s a magical thing to see how much creativity some of these people have, and it just goes to show, that sometimes players just need the tools to do great things. After the player has cast the characters, they start their journey. The demo is pretty short as it’s only the first area, but the player will fight a few small bosses to take back five villagers’ faces while also taking down a bunch of regular monsters and taking face parts back. Players will start with their protagonist and slowly but surely fill out their starting party, as the characters come in and players choose their job, personality, and appearance. Later they can choose a war cry, which can be funny or serious, or whatever floats the player’s boat. The game can be sped up with the push of a button which will be handy for people who are grinding and is a simple touch that could make replaying the game more enjoyable. Players will head down paths, seeing their party members talk to each other. It’s funny usually and the characters do have minds of their own.

The game is a turn-based RPG, players battle does, controlling only the main character. The other members are guided by computer based on their job and personality. A kind cleric will be happier to heal, and an airheaded mage might forget to attack. It’s simple, yet can be a little tricky in the beginning. Take some time and figure out how the personalities work, players will want to mix things up to keep them interesting. Players will bond the characters together. These relationships are pretty great as they allow for special abilities. The pair might praise the other, or sacrifice themselves to save the other.

There are quite a few abilities and it takes time to unlock them all. After a day of battling, players will go to an inn to sleep, and the next morning players will feed their friends and can do a few other activities. They can play a roulette game or play rock paper scissors with Game tickets. Or they can see a movie or go to a café among other things with an outing ticket. These events can give the player items and can also help raise relationship levels.

This game is a wonderful one because it’s always magical seeing what goes on, and the events are weird and the characters do come alive in a way. The final change in this demo is the horse. Players will meet a horse just before the demo ends and it is being designed by the player so every horse is unique. The horse will join the party and players will need their character to sleep in the barn with the horse to make friends with it. By making friends with the horse, players will see new events and will gain a powerful ally in battle. The horse will surely aid the heroes with handy attacks, and the ability to ride the horse will speed up travel. The fights can get harder if the player doesn’t pay attention.

Miitopia is a stellar game, and everyone should give it a try. This new demo is awesome, even if it’s just an expanded version of the 3ds one from a few years ago. Gather friends, enemies, and pop culture icons, and save the world. The Dark lord thinks they are untouchable, will the player take him down and take back the faces?