The NES – Nintendo Switch Online has received its update, and  the distribution of version 2.3.0 which includes the latest games and SP versions has begun.

Kid Icarus is out worldwide. StarTropics is also available in the west whereas Japan has Yie Ar Kung-Fu and Fire Emblem.  The new SP titles are Kirby’s Adventure and Zelda II.

Kirby’s Adventure

In this special adventure of Kirby’s Adventure, you can start playing through the difficult Extra Game right away. This mode is usually available only after beating the game once. Aside from that, the Sound Test is available right away too! You can press the B Button to stop a song from playing, but the Kirby soundtrack always has a way of getting stuck in your head, doesn’t it?

Zelda II

Start this version of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link with your Attack, Magic, and Life all maxed out at level eight! You won’t start with any items, but you’ll be able to use all that magic to plow through your enemies with a souped-up Link. Clear the six palaces to take on the Great Palace and win back the Triforce of Courage. Quiz time! Do you know which town names in this game appear as key characters in a different game within the Legend of Zelda series?

Will you be playing these games?