While the first Ni no Kuni received a port on Switch, its sequel which was released the same time as that port did not. However, it seems that may be changing now, as the ESRB has rated Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom  rated for Nintendo Switch today. As it is listed as “The Prince’s Edition”, it seems that it will include the season pass DLC.



Welcome to the beautiful world of Ni no Kuni!

After being overthrown in a coup, the young king Evan sets out on an extraordinary quest to found a new kingdom, unite his world and protect its inhabitants from the dark forces that threaten them.

Join him on an unforgettable adventure which blurs the line between animated feature film and video game. Developed by Level-5, Ni no Kuni II features enchanting character designs from the legendary artist Yoshiyuki Momose and a stirring soundtrack composed by the world-famous Joe Hisaishi.

Would you play the game on Switch?

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