It seems the Switch will be getting GC and Wii games sooner than we expected.

Glitch Hunters and speedrunners got their hands on the Chinese NVIDIA Shield, with Twilight Princess and did a playthrough and glitch test and found some interesting things.

First, it had no graphical issues, the framerate is locked at 30 fps pretty much throughout the entire game and the loading times are on par with the Dolphin Emulator with fast load times enabled.

However, what stood out was that the  2 notorious consistent game crashes on the original GC did not occur on the Shield. These were the same 2 glitches that also didn’t crash Dolphin  which caused some speculation.

The group then dumped the APK from the shield to test if it was a true port and this is where things got interesting.

What was found were the following strings:


Note: OSPanic is a GC function called by the game when it encounters a critical error





For more of an explanation, the following was stated

This leaves pretty much no doubt that the executable I’m looking at is in fact a GC emulator. A GC emulator that runs one of the most demanding games on the Cube very smoothly on the same hardware as the Switch. Something tells me this emulator wasn’t created to just emulate 2 Nintendo games on a niche console in China 😛

If Nintendo really does have a working GC/Wii emulator for Switch, we should be hearing about it soon!

