Over the last few years, Nintendo filed lawsuits against Team Xecutor members such as Gary Bowser, who was accused of costing Nintendo millions of dollars by selling piracy-enabling devices and software. Something interesting has since been revealed because of the lawsuits and it is related to Nintendo hardware.

Documents unearthed by Axios have revealed that Nintendo admitted that it released a new version of Switch to combat piracy

Nintendo has had to release a new version of our hardware in response to one of these hacking tools, and this modification entailed countless hours of engineering and adjustments to our global manufacturing and distribution chains and, of course, corresponding resources. To be clear, these effects are a direct result of the defendant and Team Xecutor attacking our technological protection measures.

While this may sound a bit extreme, this is actually not an unheard-of practice. Still, it is doubtful that Nintendo wanted it to be known what the real reason for the new revision was.
