Best Buy Exclusive Animal Crossing: New Leaf SpotPass Content
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a few days away now, June 9th. For those planning on picking it up, it’s…
“This Makes Me Hungry” – Don’t Starve Review
First Appeared on The Legend of Lorie Sandbox games are becoming quite popular these days. Animal Crossing, one of my…
The Editorial of Nothing
I’m back! Well…MAYBE. It’s been about six months since I’ve edited anything on here, and almost a year since I’ve…
XBone-d: The Reveal Rant
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free,” quote from the Statue of Liberty. Microsoft…
Star Trek: Into Darkness Review: Thrusters Were on Full!
First appeared on Twenty minutes into Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I knew I wanted to watch this movie…
Comic Review: Star Wars: Legacy #3
First appeared on Star Wars: Legacy is the second iteration by that name. The first dealt with Cade Skywalker,…
Microsoft Reveal Event! – Enter the Xbox One!
It’s finally here, after months of wait and speculation, Microsoft has announced it next Xbox system and it’s name is……
Holy Trailers Batman! – Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer and DLC Announcement
With the huge success of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, there was no doubt that there would be…
Iron Man 3 Review: Separating The Iron From The Man
Some of the content in Iron Man 3 may disappoint a few nasally-voiced nerds and fanatic purists, but for the…
“Follow the Rhythm” – HarmoKnight for 3DS Review
Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White. Whenever a conversation is brought up…