The Last of Us Special Editions Announcement
I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for a game than I am for The Last of Us. To…
The New Dante – DmC: Devil May Cry Review
So, let me start this review off with a confession: I did not play any of the other Devil May…
Firefall Public Beta Test this Friday!
Red 5 Studios is kicking off Firefall‘s first public beta test this Friday, Jan 25, giving everyone a chance to…
Massive 2012 Movie Round-Up
Thankfully we all survived the apocalypse so that we can create our personal year-end lists and Google everyone else’s. “Personal”…
Lost In The Holiday Shuffle: Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
It’s a shame that one of if not the best kart racers to be released in recent memory isn’t getting…
Dream On With A Dreamcast Classic:Jet Set Radio HD Review
“JET GRIND RADIIIOOOOO!!!” proclaimed exuberantly by Professor K. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Jet Grind Radio or, Jet Set Radio…
My 4 Favorite Gaming Products from CES 2013
As I mentioned in my previous article about CES, there was very little gaming content at CES 2013, but out…
ROG Impressions: Ni No Kuni
2013 has a great line up for gamers with a variety of different games. One of which that is just…