He-Man Gets A Visit From She-Ra
A couple of weeks ago I was totally blown away by the awesome hack & slash game on iPad, He-Man…
Let The Bullets Fly! Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review
The annual franchise, that will always undoubtedly, gross more than some B-rated, and flops at the box office, Call of…
Real Otaku Impressions: Psycho Pass
Last year, the anime world was introduced to a magical girl series by the name of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.…
Best Gamer Ever: Assassin’s Creed (Series)
“Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.” The contradictory maxim of the Assassins Order’s creed; I will try to give you…
“Picarats Make The World Go Round” Professor Layton And The Miracle Mask Review
First released back in 2008 for the Nintendo DS, Professor Layton and The Curious Village became a hit with owners…
Video Game Deals You Can’t Miss!
There are two big deals I’ve found lurking around the interwebs I think would make gamers very upset if they…
ROG RapidShot Free Mobile Game Reviews
Brandmania: Hidden Objects This game in an interesting tidbit. Imagine playing the old find hidden objects book I Spy except…
More Bang For Your Buck – Ratchet and Clank HD Collection Review
I know there are gamers out there who see this trend of HD rereleases of old games as just a…
The New Anime Channel – Neon Alley Review
Anime on public television has been losing a lot of steam the last few years or so. Cartoon Network only…