ROG Tech:Wii U Hands On Impressions
The Wii U has finally hit stores…sort of. At GameStop’s across the country there are demo units of the system…
Games You Slept On: Threads of Fate
This is one of the most phenomenal games I’ve ever played ever. This is a diamond in the rough. To me this…
Call Of Duty Elite Is Now Free, Come On Black Ops II
As in a press release, well, released to the press on October 15th, shows that the “Elite” feature that was…
Top 5 Scary Female Game Characters of All Time
Goodness knows there is no limit to creepy characters in the world of video games. The horror genre especially seems…
New Super Mario Bros. U Detail Modes, Challenges and Map
A bit more information came out today in regards to New Super Mario Bros.U. The game releases along side the…
Details On Nintendo’s Deluxe Digital Promotion Revealed
Nintendo is preparing to launch the Wii U in North America on November 18th, people in the United States that…
Ouendan(Elite Beat Agents) 2: You Have An Excuse To Have Slept On This One.”
Games are released in many different countries, but not all games are released in all of the countries, some are…
What Not To Wear: Horrible Halloween Costumes
Hey kids! It’s October again! You know what this means? Time for another round of degrading, horrifyingly terrible Halloween costumes.…
ROG Interview: Michael J. Bassett Director of Silent Hill Revelation
We at Real Otaku Gamer love movies, we hope you enjoy the new Silent Hill Revelation 3D which is out…