Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge Packed With Exclusive Content For Wii U.
The Nintendo Wii U will launch this November 18, and as the date grows closer, we get more information about…
Wars Can Be Fun? Happy Wars Review
I don’t really know where to start with Happy Wars because I love this game. Happy Wars is a game…
New Wii Bundles Coming This Holiday Season
Nintendo is gearing up to release two new bundles for the holiday season. Starting November 4th, for all those who…
What Does Tim Have Cooking? Apple Event Round-Up
Tim Cook and his colleagues took the stage today and filled the afternoon with lots of new apple goodness. Here is…
Assassin’s Creed III Interactive Trailer
With the release of Assassins Creed III fast approaching this October 30th, Ubisoft has released a neat interactive trailer through YouTube to hold…
Microsoft Pushing The S Series?
In the season where most people are looking for the best deals on gaming, look no further than Microsoft! (Yawn!)…
News for Mass Effect 4 and Omega DLC
BioWare has confirmed that the new hero for Mass Effect 4 will not be “Shepard 2″. The company is in…
Building Custom Kre-o Transformers
Kre-o has been around since 2011 and is really popular because of the cute little Kreon’s that come with certain…
Xbox 360 Holiday Bundles & Price-Cuts
Microsoft Corp. has decided to offer special bundles with new games and Kinect motion sensors as well as new pricing…
“Who are you? What is this?!” Resident Evil 6 Review
Resident Evil 6, from development until release, your fans have been crying out. Some, excited for the direction you were…