Rockstar Brought the Payne – Max Payne 3 Review
Max Payne has not led an easy life. He lost his wife and daughter, was framed for killing them, moved…
ROG E3 2012 Microsoft Highlights
Every year it seems to be the same story. The so called “suits” get to promote their brand and remind…
“The Adventures of SarahTheRebel” A Diary of E3
Hello ROGers! My E3 started off with a bang at Polygon on the Verge from Snapdragon by Qualcomm. Whew it…
E3 2012 News: Playstation Plus Gets 12 BlockBuster Titles in June
If you or someone you know hasn’t bought into Playstation Plus since it released two years ago, and still are…
The Last of Us:First Impressions
Since its announcement earlier this year I have been gitty as all get out, and have very much anticipated this…
Takara/ Hasbro’s latest Masterpiece Transformer is Sideswipe
I was relieved to find the following magazine scan of Takara/Hasbro’s latest addition to their Masterpiece Transformers Series. After many…
Theatrical Release of Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
When I first found out about this event, I was floored. Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker was going to be…
Real Otaku Experience : Your Local Library
Sometimes we fans forget where we came from. It’s not really our fault. We have internet access, data flying everywhere,…