Go Figures Friday!
Welcome to Go Figures Friday, the line up for today is…… a little weird to say the least. Schick Hydro…
Checkpoint Studios Has Popped Into Existence
What happens when EA wants in the social gaming business? Wait, aren’t they already in it? Besides the point! A…
The Last of US – Truck Ambush Cinematic
From the debut trailer at the VGAs, anyone with a Playstation 3 has been foaming at the mouth waiting for…
Pay Back’s a B… Well You Know. Batman: Arkham City – Harley Quinn’s Revenge Trailer
Batman: Arkham City, one of the best games to come out in 2011 and arguably the best super hero game…
Bioware Is Looking to You for Answers
Bioware is starting a monthly forum to find out what fans really want. Fans will have a week to reply…
Old School Otaku: Vision of Escaflowne
Modern day fans of anime take a lot of things for granted. Like access. While today it’s a simple matter…
Feel Max’s Pain: Max Payne 3 News Blowout
After two years of delays, a Game informer cover story, a this infamous teaser trailer ax has came back out…
Zenkaikon 2012: Convention Variety, Festival Atmosphere
It’s a mark of dedication when a con seemingly moves heaven and earth to keep going despite having the proverbial…
ROG On Location:Long Beach Comic Con
I had a great time checking out Long Beach Comic Con, the tiny, tiny little sister of the Comic Con…