Rise and Shine with Kratos: God of War: Ascension – Multiplayer Announcement Live From Santa Monica
PlayStation is streaming live from Santa Monica studios to discuss God of War: Ascension. Jeff Rubenstein will be answering questions…
Urgent Fury Dust Tournament Shows Major Love To Starhawk
Our friends at Urgent Fury and Brady Games are hosting two weeks of tournaments for Starhawk on the PlayStation 3.…
Yugi’s 1st God Card: The Legal Slifer the Sky Dragon is On the Way
The time is almost upon us for the release of Yugi’s signature God Card Slifer the Sky Dragon. The Card…
Get out of My Cave! Young Justice Season 1 Review
When I first heard that Young Justice was in production I was quite excited. I’ve longed for the days of…
Tales of Real Otaku: Chocolate Covered Cosplay is Nurturing Diversity in Cosplay
When you hear the word cosplay, the first image that comes to many people’s minds is a waif-like Asian girl.…
Go Figures Friday!
Hello everyone, here at ROG we’re all into many things. So I’ve decided to dedicate a weekly report on all…
Real Otaku Impressions: Tasogare Otome X Amnesia and Haiyore! Nyarlko
I think I might be starting to understand the new trend in anime. Coming from a generation that adored western-influenced,…
Code Geass Gaiden: Boukoku No Akito To Be Released… As OVAS.
It has been announced the long awaited Code Geass series Code Geass Gaiden: Boukoku no Akito, or Code Geass: Akito…
Is It Worth A Shot? The New DC 52 So Far
Here at Real Otaku Gamer we don’t just watch anime and read mangas, we also watch American cartoons and read…
New Harley Quinn DLC and Batman Arkham City GOTY Edition Announced
Warner Bros. has officially announced the upcoming Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition and confirmed the arrival of…