Kunai is an action game about a robot on a mission. This robot needs to take down the evil robots that are devastating his world. The world is a husk of what it used to be with nature overtaking it’s metallic outside. The robots are the only existence on the planet, and humans have long since died off. Kunai stars a robot whose face appears on a screen. He’s rather emotional for a robot, and his face does change rather rapidly. It’s a nice touch when a game like this has a little levity. While certainly not as challenging as some platformers of its ilk, a smiling face does up the player’s mood. Plus, this robot can look fierce when he needs to, which raises the level of excitement.

Kunai is a platformer that involves a decent amount of jumping and fighting. Players will guide our hero to take down foes and bounce between platforms and up to them. As players progress through the game, they will outfit our hero with a variety of tools that will make progression possible. It’s always good to check every inch of land as one never knows what they will find. The first tool the player will pick up is Kunai’s normal attack, which happens to be a katana. Kunai will dash in quick and swing the sword dealing massive damage. Along with this in the opening hours, he will pick up a kunai, which allows for air attacks and the ability to climb walls. It’s awesome to watch this robot pick up more and more gear as he progresses through the destroyed city. Soon enough, he will have quite the arsenal, and that will help.

The player will meet a variety of different characters too. Some might be after Kunai’s head, but others will gladly help them out. In this old-school inspired game, each area’s colored differently. It’s basically like playing an updated, chaotic Gameboy game, and I love that. The world has enough detail, that just changing the color works to differentiate areas. This game is interesting in that even though human society is dead, the robots still aim to live. They have Wi-Fi set up, and heading close to these points will allow our hero to use the shopping network. With this service, players can purchase upgrades using in-game coins. Some of these are just quality of life and include a coin magnet. Others are going to upgrade the gear, which also needs the work. There are no refunds, so choose wisely, though players will be able to buy all of the upgrades anyway.

While this game might be a Metroidvania style game, players won’t die completely, when they do inevitably lose. Player’s will respawn at designated locations and will back at it in no time. While it is a good thing, using these save points can force players to play through hard sections while repeatedly dying again and again. It’s troublesome when the player realizes they went the wrong way, found a save point and now have to fight their way back to the earlier section. Replaying areas does make it can help as muscle-memory begins to kick in.

This game has a great soundtrack that will help blast the player to victory. They might even hear a few old school Easter eggs if they listen. This music helps keep the game flowing as a good soundtrack improves any game. I enjoyed the music and thought it helped keep going, great music overall. Kunai is a fantastic Ninja Robot game. Kunai is just trying to figure out what went wrong with the world and to take down all the wickedness. Kunai is a solid game that provides a decent challenge for any willing to take it upon it.

Kunai might seem like a chill guy, but he certainly isn’t one to be taken lightly. While the robot overlords may have won, will the player help our little hero in taking them down?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided