tinyBuil and Niceplay Games have announced that Potion Craft is heading to Switch, PS4 and PS5 with the release planned for Spring 2023.



In Potion Craft, you take up the mantle (and alembic) of a bustling fantasy town’s finest alchemist. The townsfolk need mystical brews, and you’re there to provide, whether it’s an adventurer needing something to make dragon-fire a little less flesh-melting, or a rogue seeking the finest fast-acting poisons, you’re ready to deliver. Gather your ingredients, grind, mix and heat, then serve for a healthy profit.

As complex as alchemy is, a shopkeeper also needs to be a master of the art of charm. Your potions are worth only as much as you can convince people they are, so master the haggling system, learn the likes and dislikes of each customer and barter your way to fame and profit. Turning lead into gold is tricky enough, but it takes a true master of the silver tongue to thrive.

See the trailer below