This game will ruin your life. I am not exaggerating as I say that it will destroy everything you hold dear and reduce you to a wreck. It is not because the game is bad however, but simply because it is so addictive that you will forget you have other things to do, such as go to the bathroom or attend your wedding. Immortal Redneck has that intangible it factor in gaming that will keep you enthralled for hours, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Immortal Redneck is about a redneck who, while visiting Egypt, is mummified and must now fight his way through three separate pyramids in a rougelike FPS experience that sets itself apart with its humor and bizarre nature. I am unsure how to describe this game other than a game that revels in being absurd for the sake of absurd. You fight in a pyramid that is full of enemies, yet you have modern weapons that have an Ancient Egyptian theme to them.  There are a variety of classes to choose from, but they must be earned before they can be played.

You will earn gold as you play and the gold can be used to purchase a series of upgrades, such as damage boosts and the above mentioned classes. Each class give you the favour of a god and changes the way you play, while still playing as the redneck.  After each death, you will respawn in a sarcophagus and restart from the beginning while retaining your upgrades, but you must give up the gold you earned in each previous attempt unless you buy something before re-emntering the pyramid. Given the procedurally generated rooms the game uses, no two playthroughs will be the same and this increases the replay value.

On the Nintendo Switch, the game does have something neat to offer. The game uses the same gyro aiming option that is available in DOOM and the upcoming Switch port of Wolfenstein II and it works great here. It does take a bit of time to get used to, but should not cause any major issue. What did annoy me to no end was the fact that the game randomly stopped due to an error three times while I was playing for this review. I have been told this is being worked on, but I feel people should be aware of this.

Overall, I loved Immortal Redneck and feel it is an ideal experience to have on the Switch. It is perfect for both long sessions or pick up and play sessions, both of which are well handled by the Switch hardware due to being both a console and a hybrid. It is not a perfect game, but is one that is very well done. I fully recommend this one!


Disclaimer: A review key was provided