Today we are taking a look at two games from Ratatalaika, done in micro review style. These will be smaller reviews, but will allow us to say more about more games at once.

First we have Loot Hero DX. This is an interesting title, based around attacking enemies and gathering currency. Its a simple premise, but there is a bit of strategy involved. You start off rather weak, with most enemies being able to deal a large amount of damage to you. Once you start getting money, or loot as its called, you can start buying upgrades for yourself in a variety of areas. These will make the game easier at first, and you will soon find that the game will become a great way to relieve stress. Just  level up and go all out attacking enemies, and let your frustrations go.

Once you defeat the final boss, the game will loop with harder levels. The more you upgrade, you will be able to go after the enemies with no problem, but there are some issues to be aware of. You have to keep track of your stamina also, or you will be open to attacks, and enemies at the higher levels will drain that stamina and health very quickly. Another thing to keep your eyes on, is your speed, as going faster can cause you to attack too many enemies at once and lose your stamina and health quickly.

There really is not much to the game here, but what is here is good for a few minutes at a time. Its no masterpiece,  and you will get tired of it, but its not bad for a few minutes here and there.

Next we have Balancelot, which is a physics platformer. This game sees you moving on a unicycle while using a sword, and you must navigate the controls to keep the hero from falling and breaking his neck. I am going to be honest, an admit this is not a game I could play for a long time.  The controls have a bit of frustration I am not used to, combined with level design that is difficult to navigate. There is definitely some amusement to be had with the various ways to kill the hero, but the game itself is not fun when you play for a long period of time.

I am someone who loves physics based puzzle games, but only when they are done right. Balancelot just feels like it loses its appeal after too short a time. There is not enough to keep me hooked and I feel this one is best left avoided. This is a shame because I liked the initial time playing with the game. It is just that the quality quickly wore off.

And this we have one game that is great for short play sessions and one game that just fell off fast. I would suggest Loot Hero DX to check out but Balancelot is simply a pass.


Review keys were provided