Warhammer 40 000is a franchise that has always managed to be represented well in various forms of media.  Its latest adaptation, Space Hulk Tactics takes the formula of the games and brings in some very neat ideas.

Space Hulk Tactics takes ideas from previous turn based games in the franchise and combines them with other ideas. But some background information is needed first to give perspective.  You play as a chapter of Space Marines and must board a Space Hulk ( a fusion of  abandoned ships and debris created by the warp), in order to find a way to destroy it so it will not crash into a forge world.

Because a Space Hulk has bizarre interiors due to its transformation, the Space Marines ( specifically Blood Angels) will have to be careful with how they proceed as they plant explosives. After all, they are wearing heavy power armor that makes it difficult to get through some areas.  So strategy is key here as well. But that isn’t all the setup, as the Genestealers are on the Space Hulk as well and want to defend it against the Blood Angels at all costs. As such, you will have to choose a side, Genestealer/Xenos or Space Marine, and begin your mission.

Space Hulk Tactics has a variety of gameplay modes that will make any tactics fan happy. In addition to the campaign mode there is a skirmish mode, and a quick battle option to play and test your skills for a shorter time. This isn’t even getting into the online modes available in the game either. The actual gameplay manages to perfectly capture the spirit of the tabletop game. I have joked that Warhammer is 4D chess, and this is a perfect example of this. You must think of multiple strategies at the same time, and consider how each move affects another outcome.

I like the neat tweaks made for this game, such as allowing a first person mode while playing. This gave me a flashback to Space Hulk Deathwing, in a very good way, as it finally felt like a different take on the Space Hulk formula. The combat felt more intuitive and more intense at the same time, and while I got frustrated more than once, I felt a need to keep coming back.

This was not just another Warhammer 40 000 game, this was a perfected Warhammer 40 000 game. Refinements on the past, and further polishing on the tried on true led to this being one of the best game based on the franchise. I highly recommend checking this out, as it is truly amazing.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided