PiXEL has announced that it will release a Switch version of the 2019 PC retro kung-fu action game Enryuu Seiken Xiao-Mei (Fire Dragon Fist Master Xiao-Mei) onto the Nintendo eShop in 2021 in Japan.

This will not be a straight port either, as the Switch version will include new elements not featured in the PC version. For instance, Hirofumi Murasaki (Aah! HarimanadaShinobi III: Return of the Ninja MasterClockwork Knight, etc.) will be leading a team to further enhance the game’s FM sound style.

For those curious, the game is a homage to the 16-bit era, created in part by legendary ex-Namco composer Norio Nakagata (Zombie NationGenpei Touma DenThunder Ceptor, etc.).


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69tZvgahn4o?&autohide=1&showinfo=0&wmode=opaque&iv_load_policy=3]

