Capcom created many amazing arcade titles over the years, and with Capcom Arcade Stadium coming out soon on Nintendo Switch, I wanted to take a look at what I feel are the top ten Capcom arcade games. I want to specify this is just my list, and others may have different opinions. With that said, let us begin, in no particular order.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins

An absolute classic in the arcades, Ghosts ‘n Goblins was a game that presented a true challenge to gamers. This platformer/run ‘n gun hybrid only allowed you to take two hits before dying, but had enemies coming at you relentlessly. The combination of great music and addictive, if frustrating, gameplay helped to cement the legacy of Ghosts ‘n Goblins and the twist of needing to complete the game twice has kept players coming back for decades.
Alien vs Predator

Alien vs Predator may not have been a great movie, but the crossovers had begun long before then. This beat ’em up from Capcom saw marines teaming with predators to take on the Xenomorphs and is regarded by many fans as being among the best of the licensed arcade games. The hits feel real, and the music and visuals were some of the absolute best. This game stands out as a prime example of a licensed game that fans still want decades later.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Street Fighter II was the game that changed everything for the fighting game genre. Prior to this title, fighting games were a lot more basic, and even Street Fighter 1 belongs to that category. There were some decent fighters certainly, but it was not till Street Fighter II that fighting games as we know them now were born. Super Street Fighter II Turbo was an update to the game that not only added new characters, it also added new gameplay options and has gameplay that was finally balanced. This remains one of the best versions of the classic that we can enjoy today,

One of the most beloved arcade titles from Capcom, Strider was an excellent hybrid of the platformer and hack ‘n slash genre. The game had excellent music that still holds up today, and brilliant gameplay that was often imitated but never duplicated. Strider inspired numerous sequels and versions, each with its own spin on the amazing gameplay. For action with a lot of variety, fans could do a lot worse than Strider, but could seldom do much better.
Armored Warriors

Armored Warriors was one of the later Capcom beat ’em ups and was a much more in-depth experience than the older titles. This game saw you pilot a mech in side-scrolling brawler action, while having unique options such as taking on parts of enemy mecha and adding them to your own for new attacks. The game also had Street Fighter inspired command inputs that allowed a lot of variety in the moves you could pull off. This was one of the more inventive brawlers from Capcom and has aged well.
1944: The Loop Master

One of the last shmups from Capcom in the arcades, 1944: The Loop Master was the 5th entry in the series that began with 1942. This game was more advanced though and had a lot more power-ups, enemies, and options available. The game was not only an advancement on the 1942 formula, but also on the shmup formula in general. The game boasted incredible music and visuals, and truly tough bosses. While the game is not as well known as titles like 1942 and 1943, but is superior to those classics in most ways.
I had to include this as it is one of the more unique fighting games from Capcom. Saturday Night Slam Masters is actually a hybrid of a fighting game and a wrestling game and features characters like Mike Haggar. The game was such a different take on both fighting and wrestling games, and managed to create some unique ideas. While the game’s sequel would veer away from the wrestling elements, Saturday Night Slam Masters remains one of the best arcade wrestling games ever made, and is a title that Capcom needs to revive in the style of the first game, but with added online play.
A side-scrolling shmup developed by CAVE and Capcom, Progear is an interesting one. The game is a steampunk-themed bullet hell game with a choice of two pilots/planes and three co-pilots/gunners. Each of these has their own advantages and weaknesses and this combination impacts how effective they are in the mode you choose of their respective modes. Progear was a brilliantly designed game with an excellent challenge and has aged the best of any Capcom shmup.
The last side-scrolling brawler Capcom made for arcades, Battle Circuit plays like an evolution of the earlier games in general and Captain Commando in particular. The game has deep combat mechanics like the aforementioned Armored Warriors, and a decent story, but also does something else that is rather unique. Coins picked up in this game do not just serve as points but can actually be spent on upgrades after each round, which gives the game some interesting replay value. There is something about Battle Circuit that just makes it stand out though, and it is a game that everyone should play at some point.
Marvel vs Capcom 2

Marvel vs Capcom 2 is one of, if not the absolute best arcade game from Capcom, being a brilliant fusion of Capcom’s franchises up to that point going up against the best of Marvel comics. The 3 on 3 fighting was intense and the competitive scene that emerged from MvC2 is still going strong to this day. Capcom made many great fighting games in the arcade, but none can top Marvel vs Capcom 2. This is a game that truly defines the word legendary.
And there we have it. What are your favourite Capcom arcade games? Let us know.