Saturday Night Slam Masters

I had to include this as it is one of the more unique fighting games from Capcom. Saturday Night Slam Masters is actually a hybrid of a fighting game and a wrestling game and features characters like Mike Haggar. The game was such a different take on both fighting and wrestling games, and managed to create some unique ideas.  While the game’s sequel would veer away from the wrestling elements, Saturday Night Slam Masters remains one of the best arcade wrestling games ever made, and is a title that Capcom needs to revive in the style of the first game, but with added online play.






A side-scrolling shmup developed by CAVE and Capcom, Progear is an interesting one. The game is a steampunk-themed bullet hell game with a choice of two pilots/planes and three co-pilots/gunners. Each of these has their own advantages and weaknesses and this combination impacts how effective they are in the mode you choose of their respective modes. Progear was a brilliantly designed game with an excellent challenge and has aged the best of any Capcom shmup.

Battle Circuit


And there we have it. What are your favourite Capcom arcade games? Let us know.