Real Time Strategy games are a favourite of mine, and my love for them dates back to the classics of my youth. When I was sent a code for Raid on Coasts, I decided I had to see if this measured up with the games I loved, and what new it brought to the table.

The first thing I must mention is that Raid on Coasts is still in Early Access and it shows. There are glitches when getting into battles, and the content is rather light, albeit for a cheap price.. The game intends to be a coastal war and raid strategy game, and it shows flashes of that here, but it just isn’t there yet.  They have some interesting variations from the usual RTS games, in terms of how battles are arranged and organized, but it doesn’t come off well as it is. I do not mean to sound harsh though, as the game is less than a year into Early Access, while other games have been in Early Access for much longer and play far worse.

I view Raid on Coasts in its current form, to be a playable prototype for what the game will be. It is very unpolished but it does have that something to it, that will make it stand out once it is complete. There are a number of things that need to be changed though,  for example, the menu is not very well done, and there are several times where the audio clearly is having difficulties. I would also say that the camera angles really get annoying fast, which grates on the experience a good deal. This is not even mentioning the graphics ( which I figure will be changed as the development continues), but what must be mentioned is that the controls are very awkward for this type of game.

I believe Raid on Coasts can be a great game. It may not be there yet, but the developers clearly want feedback and are willing to listen, so I have confidence that they will fix the game’s problems. While I would not recommend buying this now, I would recommend keeping an eye on the game and its progress.


Disclaimer: A review code was provided.