I previously wrote an ROG Retro entry about Nine Games That Should Be Part Of The Sega Ages lineup. That went over very well, and I am back again with ten more games that would be perfect for the series. This time around, I want to focus primarily on arcade games but Sega’s console and handhelds will not be ignored either.




There may have been console games with the same name, but they were not true ports of the arcade system 32 game. The third official game in the Outrun series, this game looked different, having excellent parralax scrolling, having selectable cars with distinct drivers for each car. The cars themselves each had a different feel to them, unlike many other racing games at the time. The scaling was so different and the games has a 3D feel that is better than many early polygon racers. You had full control of the music and a ton of options that you could play for a good variety. There are numerous areas to race in and so much to see. There was an option  to play with multiple racers and thein lies where a Sega Ages port could be amazing. Imagine a port to Switch that has all the features of the arcade original and online multiplayer, in addition to bonus content like they did with Outrun. This would be a must play title for sure and no dount many would love this,


Desert Breaker

Desert Breaker was a run n gun shooter from Sega where you selected one of three characters to engage in gameplay reminiscent of Capcom’s Commando series. Each character had their own unique abilities, and the game did some interesting additions like evade mechanics that made Desert Breaker stand out from the crowd. This was a visually stunning game, and has never had a proper home conversion. A Sega Ages port could add in online play as well, for  players to team up to take on the enemies. Also, it would be possible to take advantage of the Switch’s ability to play games in TATE mode as well.


Power Drift

Power Drift was a great game by Yu Suzuki, that served as Sega’s first kart racer. It was very different from other racers, and had a more chaotic design. There were jumps, sharp turns and more, all while racing at an incredibly fast speed that threatened to send your kart flying off track and losing your place in the race. This did receive a Sega Ages port previously on the Saturn in Japan, but more importantly, it also received a Sega 3D classics port on the 3DS by M2. I would love to See M2 bring the game to Switch with online play, as the Switch has the perfect audience for a kart racing classic like this. Add in some bonus modes, and you will have a real hit.


Dark Edge

A unique fighting game from Sega AM3, allowed you to move around in 3D while using spite scaling to keep the visuals 2D. This is a very different type of 3D fighting game and  has proven difficult for many to get into. That said though. there is a certain charm to this that modern fighting games do not have, and it has a lot of qualities that would appeal to modern gamers. A re release with online play would allow a new audience to enjoy it, especially since modern fightign game fans are more interested in learning technical fighting games. With unique characters and good action, this is a game I feel would be a hit on Sega Ages.



A unique shooter that has two modes. Movie and shoot at the same time like every other shooter, or stay stationary and go all out in attacking. There was also some nice perspective shifts into first person mode at times and fun boss fights and strategy involved in the levels. You had to carefully plan out your movements, and navigate through several well designed worlds, before fighting bosses that felt truly different from other games at the time. Aurail was an arcade exclusive in Japan, and this could be the first ever home release for one of the most unique shooters Sega ever made,


Virtua Fighter

There has never been a proper re release of the original arcade version of Virtua Fighter. Yes there were home conversions, but they were not arcade accurate and fell short of the mark. The source code was thought lost for some time, but M2 actually found it while working on the Sega Ages port of Virtua Racing. Now is the perfect time to let them re release the game that started it all, and let players go at it again. Add in some online play, and gamers can appreciate the game once more as it was actually meant to be, rather than just a conversion that only mimicked the game. It could have pixel perfect emulation, and the framerate could finally be consistent.



Moving onto consoles now, Kenseiden was an interesting title for the Master System. A side scrolling hack n slash title that starred a samurai who must defeat evil, Kenseiden stood out thanks to its role playing elements, simple but fun and addictive gameplay, good visuals and excellent soundtrack. This would be a perfect title to represent the Sega Master System as part of the Sega Ages lineup and aside from a horrible re release thanks to AtGames, it doesn’t get a lot of love. I could easily see M2 adding some bonus difficulty modes or gameplay options to vary things up, and create new challenges for players long accustomed to this game.


Tails Adventure

Yes I am including a Game Gear title on this list. This was one of the more inventive Game Gear game, as it combined the side scrolling platforming of the Sonic series, with more exploration and role playing mechanics. I may not be a fan of the Sonic series as a whole. but this is one I can easily go back to every time. For all the Sonic love Sega has, this game doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It has been re released a few times, but for such a innovation, you would think there would be more love. This is a Sonic title that can be compared to a metroidvania type game, and with the inclusion of vehicles and more, stands well above the series. M2 could easily do much here, like they did with the Sonic games and Wonder Boy titles, to bring something different to this classic, be it new moves or modes. They could even find a way to make players not need to deal with as much backtracking as exists in the game.


Shinning Force CD

The Shining Force series is beloved by fans of turn based strategy games,. It was where many of us first cut our teeth on the genre, and its Genesis/ Mega Drive entries were amazing. The series got two entries on the Game Gear, and those games were given an enhanced remake on the Sega CD.  To be more specific, half of Shining Force CD is a remake of those games, and the other half is a continuation of those games. Regarded as one of the largest RPGs of its time, and so full of options that it was deemed overwhelming in a good way. Easily one of the best titles on the Sega CD/Mega CD and had amazing music that would not be matched until Shining Force III. The options available to the player was unprecedented at the time, and pushed the limits of what a game like this could be. A Sega Ages re release would be an amazing chance to let a new generation play this amazing game. It would not need too many if any additions, but I would be interested in seeing what M2 could do to bring this classic back.


Dynamite Deka 1/Dynamite Cop

Die Hard Arcade was a great early 3D beat em up and people may be surprised that it only was a licensed title in the west. Its actually part of the Dynamite Deka/Dynamite Cop series and that series is fully owned by Sega. I would like to see this get a re release on Sega Ages that used the additions of the PS2 version, namely costumes from other Sega brawlers like Altered Beast and Golden Axe, and even put you up against enemies and bosses from those series. If the exact extras are not possible, I would like to see somethign similiar. This is great game, and deserves a new audience stripped of the Die Hard License.


And there we have it. Ten more games that would be perfect for the Sega Ages lineup on Switch. What games would you want?


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