Nintendo is known for their off-beat games and need to reinvent themselves always. They have put out many experimental titles and while some were doomed to fade away to obscurity, some became legends in their own right. WarioWare Inc took Mario’s rival out of the platforming genre and into the world of minigame compilations, a transition that confused many at first. The idea of minigames that only lasted a few seconds seemed odd, but somehow that Nintendo magic was there and made the experience amazing.

WarioWare’s microgames as they were called, were small but high-quality experiences that gave you an urge to keep playing, especially when you messed up. The games were set up in the perfect way, getting you used to the style of play, increasing the challenge as you went on, and then throwing in new ideas to change things up.

Some of these games are simple enough like making sure Wario lands ( pun intended) in the right spot, but some really throw you. There are games that are throwbacks to earlier Nintendo games and classics, sci-fi games, sports games, and more. Some games are IQ tests that give you more time, while others are just bizarre. This mix of games provided a little of everything and were doled out perfectly. 

In some ways, Nintendo was ahead of the curve with WarioWare. They predated the retro throwback bandwagon with their throwback microgames, for instance. In addition, playing these games again reminded me of the modern indie game scene, especially party and multiplayer games.

It’s easy to see how WarioWare inspired so much of the modern scene and created a legacy. I cannot wait to see what Nintendo does with the game on the Nintendo Switch, because there is much potential there with the joycons. Here is to the future of WarioWare and may it be a good one.