RWBY is a fan favourite web animation series from Rooster Teeth, whose fans have taken it upon themselves to make new experiences for the IP. One such fangame was actually picked up by Rooster Teeth to become an official game, making its way to PC, then Xbox and PlayStation and now Switch. The game is an alternate story to the series, as it has elements that have since been contradicted by the series itself, but it still an interesting experience.

RWBY Grimm Eclipse is an action RPG hack ‘n slash game where you and three others can team up to take on the monsters called the  Grimm and a mad scientist using them for nefarious reasons. The action is fun and using either team RWBY or team JNPR is a treat for fans of the series. One bonus here in the Definitive Edition is the addition of new costumes based on later story arcs in the web animation, and there are a nice amount to choose from.

Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, and getting to know each one’s playstyle is key to success. Playing with others is a big part of the game and fortunately the online works perfectly. I had no issues teaming with players in other countries to take on waves of enemies, and uncover the mysteries in Remnant. New to the Switch version is local co-op and that is definitely a plus, as while I did not get the chance to try it myself, it definitely will add a different element to the multiplayer.

Grimm Eclipse is great for fans of the series, but there are some issues. Enemy hit detection is not always accurate, and there was a bit of frame drops and screen tearing as I played. These did not cause too many issues for me, but I did get frustrated by the hit detection issues a few times when dealing with enemies as Jaune. Apparently these issues are in all versions, so I cannot complain too much about the porting.

There is a decent story here, and while it is definitely non-canon as I mentioned, it is a neat experience and the voice acting is on point. I liked the visuals in the game and the music lived up to RWBY’s reputation. This may not be the best RWBY game there ever will be, but it is definitely something RWBY lovers can enjoy.

I do think RWBY Grimm Eclipse Definitive Edition is worth checking out, both for fans and non fans, as the gameplay is decent and the overall package is well put together. You will have fun here and that is what matters the most.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided