Retro collections are a big seller now and it seems more are on the way according to an SEC filing for the publisher Fig, submitted on January 207th 2022 that seems to indicate that a new collection of Llamasoft games is on the way. Llamasoft, known for its developer Jeff Minter, aka Yak, has developed games for machines as diverse as the Vic-20, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Atari Jaguar,  PS4 and more, and is known for the psychedelic and trippy nature of its games.

This news was found by TimeExtention on the Llamasoft forums, where a user named Witewulf had posted a link to the filing, that revealed that Fig will fund the developer Digital Eclipse to create a new collection called “Jeff Minter’s Llamasoft Collection” with the following description:

“One of the UK’s premiere “indie” game developers, Jeff Minter began designing and programming games in 1981, for the Sinclair ZX80. Through Llamasoft, he created dozens of games across a broad spectrum of devices. This game and media collection will celebrate Minter’s work (including his “Tempest 2000” for Atari Jaguar), history and visual style.”

This was not the only collection mentioned in the filing, as other collections mentioned include:

  • Karateka: The Eclipse Edition, a collection that will contain each of the original home computer versions of Jordan Mechner’s Karateka, in addition to “making of” archives
  • Atari: The Golden Anniversary Celebration, Unclear how this relates to the upcoming Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration from Digital Eclipse.
  • And PONG 50th Anniversary Celebration, a collection featuring the “many iterations of classic PONG, controller assists and a documentary on the birth, history and impact of PONG”, and will also include a new game.

Interestingly, the filing indicates that Amico is involved somehow. Whether this will remain the case remains to be seen, especially with regard to what is going on with that company.
