Windscape is a first-person adventure game out now on Nintendo Switch. This game is a fantastic open world game and one that has much to see and do. The game is slightly polygonal but honestly looks great. It plays well and there is a chance to really master combat.
The main character of the game is an unnamed red-haired woman. It’s great to play a game as a woman, with no chance of playing like a man. This girl is ready to take on the world and will certainly grow into a competent warrior just by doing.
The game starts out with a small quest to make dinner, and then the hero is sent out on her journey. The world is rather vast, and the people in it have lived here by surviving. There are monsters roaming the plains and caves, ready to snuff out any fool that may walk in. The player must always be on their guard as they enter any area. Sometimes the monsters are sneaky and will seem to appear from out of nowhere.

Battle in this game becomes rather rhythmic as players will begin to notice when monsters will attack. Players will need to use their shield to deflect attacks or risk taking more damage. It’s good to wail on the monster for a while and then pull up the shield to block the enemies attack. This game is certainly one that will give as much challenge as the player wants with the ability to lower damage with a shield.
The main menu is host to the stats of the character as well as the inventory. Players will want to check their equipment and see how it affects the character’s stats. Items can drastically affect the resistance to different damage the character can take. It is always pertinent that the player readies themselves for what might lie ahead.
This game has a solid quest system, where players will take on quests by interacting with people. The quests are where the world takes more concrete shape. As players take on quests they will be able to explore more of the world. The hero slowly but surely seems to become more sure of herself as she travels through the towns.

Players will want to collect everything they can. It is good to buy both an ax and pickaxe from a market as soon as possible. By doing so players can chop down trees and mine for minerals. Everything the player finds has a use and many of these things are used in crafting and upgrading. If a dungeon is too tough, it might just be that the player is simply ill-equipped to deal with it.
Players will also gain new recipes which they can cook up in most dungeons. The enemies in this game seem to be smart enough to cook and players will often find pots. Players will need to gather ingredients and cook things up. Though the cooked food will sit in the inventory just like in Breath of the Wild. It is great to have a cooking system in the game because it makes all the item hunting worth it.
Players save the game by walking near monoliths. These monoliths also restore the player’s health to the max so it is good to remember exactly where they are. I enjoy having a save system like this because it makes the game more accessible to those who might not have a lot of time to play games.

The music in this game is also fantastic. There is something so great about hearing the music switch effortlessly from combat to exploration. Every locale has its own vibe and the music shows off what that is so smoothly. Plus the battle music is reminiscent of classic RPG’s and it is always a delight to hear it turn on.
The game itself reminds of Runescape. There is something about the game that brings me back to the years I spent running around on those magical servers. It must be the style of the game, though personally, I find that this game has a cleaner feel to Runescape. It is great though to play a game and feel this aura of nostalgia even though they aren’t connected.
While the game is fun, it isn’t perfect. There are instances in the game where enemies will spawn in weird places. They might spawn above the characters head and even though they are still killable it pulls the player out of the grounded experience. I’ve also taken down enemies running beside me up a stairwell with a nice drop in the center. The physics in the game just seem to stop functioning at times.
Windscape is a great first-person adventure game. The main character feels alive yet also like there is nothing to her. As the player travels they will certainly feel bonded to her and grow attached to her. It’s great playing such an interesting game in the first person. If the player has any want to explore a vast world, this might just be the game for them. So pick up a sword, and get ready to take on the world!
Disclaimer: A review key was provided