Let me preface this by saying that I am not a fan of educational games. I was sent a code for this game to review and I decided to give it an honest play through before reviewing it. My thoughts have not changed much but I can respect what the developers were going for, even if its not intended for me.


SMART Adventures Mission Math is an educational game designed to teach kids 9 and up about sciences and math, with a primary focus on inspiring young girls into going into the sciences. If you want a game designed for fun and action, boy are you in the wrong spot but if you have a young child and want them to play something educational, you could do a lot worse.

The game takes place on a space station that has been sabotaged. Playing a variety of math based games helps to repair the damage and track down who caused this. The minigames range in difficulty from easy to hard and they also branch into other science fields so as to help expand young childrens’ minds. Yes this game was made with young girls in mind, but young boys can enjoy and learn from this just as much.

I am not the intended market so I cannot truly be sure if this is particularly helpful for children of that age. I don’t have relatives or friends with kids of that age set ( all older or younger) so I could not show it to anyone for opinions. From what I saw…it seemed okay except maybe lacking something to keep young ones interested…or maybe that is my bias talking.

Like I said before though, if you want an educational game for a child 9 and up that will teach them about math and sciences, then you can do a lot worse than this. It is worth looking into to try and stimulate a child’s mind for the better.