Modiphius sent out the following



Today we’re delighted to announce the release of Back to Reality, a brand new mission for The Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game.
Star Trek Adventures Back to Reality is available in PDF on as part of the Star Trek Adventures Collection, and also on
What lies at the center of the Pinicon Belt?
This adventure presents a crew of player characters with a profound ethical dilemma that could have sweeping ramifications that extend far beyond their own universe.
When the player characters investigate a dangerous asteroid field, they are confronted with doppelgangers from a different quantum reality where the Borg reign supreme. Can the player characters resolve tensions with their counterparts and solve the mysteries within an abandoned space station at the center of the asteroid field?
This standalone 17-page PDF adventure by Fred Love is for the Star Trek Adventures Roleplaying Game and is set during The Next Generation era. This adventure also contains advice for adaptation for use in campaigns based in other Star Trek eras. Download includes a regular version and a printer-friendly version.
Keep an eye out for more Star Trek Adventures next month as a brand new mission The Prize makes its debut.
Don’t forget the Klingon Empire Core Rulebook starts shipping from this very Friday. So if you’ve ever wanted to explore one of Star Trek Adventures’ most iconic races, then this is the perfect opportunity to crew up your warbird and get involved.
Will you be checking this out?