Known as Bokujo Monogatari in Japan, the critically-acclaimed franchise is celebrating its 25th anniversary with phased DLC releases for the STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town ‘Expansion Pass’. Released in five-parts, the bundle includes story content, new characters, and exclusive costumes, providing fresh experiences for the inhabitants of Olive Town. The DLC kicked off recently with Animal Attire costumes for the protagonists and marriage candidates, and ‘Olive Town Mystery Files,’ the first of a series of two sub-scenarios. The ‘Windswept Falls Expansion Pack’ will be released later this month with a new area home to four characters from a past entry on the Nintendo 3DS™ system – including two marriage candidates. Additional details about the ‘Expansion Pass’ can be found
About STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town
STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town is a brand-new adventure that drops eager explorers in Olive Town, a charming seaside community on the edge of the untamed frontier, where they will work to breathe life back into their grandfather’s dilapidated farm. Though it may at first appear to be a sleepy burg, Olive Town is home to dozens of unique characters to befriend when players are ready to take a break from building their dream farm – a dream farm where further exploration of the farm can yield magical lands where seasons never change, an island in the sky and even a unicorn to ride!
Developed by Marvelous Inc. and published by XSEED Games in North America on the Nintendo Switch™ system, STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town launched on Mar. 23, 2021. The title has been rated “E for Everyone” on Nintendo Switch by the
About XSEED Games
XSEED Games is the independent-minded publishing brand of Marvelous USA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Marvelous Inc., which is a publicly traded company listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Formed in 2004 and located in Torrance, California, XSEED Games publishes interactive entertainment content for PC and consoles from the Marvelous portfolio as well as from a wide variety of third-party partners. Whether it’s Marvelous properties such as STORY OF SEASONS (Bokujo Monogatari), SENRAN KAGURA, and Rune Factory, or third-party titles such as the Corpse Party and AKIBA’S TRIP series or Granblue Fantasy: Versus, XSEED Games has grown its reputation among gamers with its critically acclaimed localizations and commitment to fans, remaining ever dedicated to its “indie spirit, player-first” approach.