Several new details about Sephiroth during the latest Smash showcase. The character will drop on December 22 and will be more than just a roster addition. The character comes with a new Northern Cave stage, music, and spirits to fight.



– Relatively tall, so he’s more print to getting hit by opponents
– Lighter character, so he can get launched more easily
– Appears shirtless with P7/P8 costumes
– Voiced only in Japanese
– You’ll get many boosts when growing a wing
– Speed and strength go up
– Can also perform an extra midjump in this stage
– All smash attacks will have super armor as well
– If you get KOed, you lose the wing
– Can also lose it by KO’ing an opponent
– If you have more stock than your opponents, even when your damage exceeds 100%, the wing still won’t appear
– If you’re at a stock disadvantage, you can achieve Winged Form at only 30%
– Slash: strongest just above the middle of the blade
– Stab: strongest at the tip of the blade
– Neutral attack: quick compared to Sephiroth’s other attacks
– Dash attack: step forward and attack
– Side tilt attack: slash with a long reach
– Up tilt attack: stab with a long reach and long hit detection
– Down tilt attack: A slide
– Side smash attack: powerful side cut
– Up smash attack: wide-range slash
– Down smash attack: pierces the ground and sends debris flying, perfect for breaking shields
– Neutral air attack: attack with wide range
– Forward air attack: stab with a long reach
– Can stab a wall and jump with the forward air attack
– Back air attack: hits a wider area than the forward air attack and is more powerful
– Up air attack: wide-range cleave
– Down air attack: Hell’s Gate
– Forward throw: thrust that sends opponent flying
– Backward throw: teleports your opponent and launches them
– Up yhrow: cleave that sends your opponent upward
– Down throw: slams your opponent to the ground
– B (no charge): Flare
– B (small charge): Megaflare
– B (full charge): Gigaflare
– Left/right + B: Shadow Flare
– Up + B: Blade Slash
– Up + hold B: Octaslash
– Down + B: Scintilla
– Final Smash: Supernova, summons meteor to trigger a supernova; causes a variety of random status effects (dizzy, sleep, slow, flower boom, reversed controls)
– Northern Cave stage: shows scenes from the end of Final Fantasy VII
– Gradually descent into the heart of the planet
– Some things from the stage in Dissidia Final Fantasy were adopted for the stage
– Depicts a series of events
– Comes with 9 tracks, 4 new arrangements

