Overwatch has finally landed on the Switch, and this game is just as glorious as it’s ever been. Squad up with a group of internet friends and take on other teams. It’s a fun and exciting game that will have players playing for hours. This game is great docked or handheld, and with wifi can be played anywhere, which is a great thing. Overwatch is at its core a multiplayer fps, a game that will challenge players to win match after match. Players will face different teams using a mishmash of different characters. Each of the characters falls into three different roles, Tank, Healer, and Support. These classes will determine how the player plays. It is up to the player to choose the correct type for the match. It might not behoove the player to have a team filled with healers. It’s good to pick at least one of the characters from each sect to be able to balance things.

Overwatch is not about getting good necessarily, it’s about getting used to the characters. Players will grind to get better at controlling the different characters who each have their own stories and thoughts. Though this game still doesn’t have an actual story which is surprising, to say the least. The characters are certainly all their own and it’s great to get into their mindset as players play the game. Players will fight through matches online and take on opponents of all skill levels. This game relies on the notion of there being no “I” in team. In this game every player matters and every class matters. Players will choose between three classes, Tank, Support, and Healer. Each of these classes is important in their own right. Using them the right way can and will lead to victory.

Tanks are great for leading the charge and defending the other units. It’s good to have Tank players guide the rest and beat back the foes. Healers need to heal the squad and not go ham on the opponents. Support characters can raise the squad’s power and heal, so they are helpful. These classes work together, so it’s a good idea to check the balance and choose accordingly. Of course, playing the game takes time and players will amass a bunch of victories and losses as they play the game. Players can never be assured victory, as they will face a variety of players in each game. It takes a while to acclimate but once the player is in, they are in. This game is one that does take effort to get good, but it is worth it.

The game itself is split up into game modes. These modes include quickplay which is great for quick matches. There is also an arcade mode, which includes different modes depending on the event. These new modes mix things up and add new fun to the game. This game is one that is never stale as it changes rather regularly. For fans of the game, they know there are loot boxes. Lootboxes can also be purchased but for every level up, players will earn one. They can also gain loot boxes from using a certain character type in a match. Just by playing the game players will earn loot boxes so its important to only buy them if the player is hankering for a certain character. Players’ will gain coins that can be used to buy the exclusive event costumes which a great touch.

The costumes are a highlight of the game and give everyone a little bit of customization. It’s great showing off which costumes the player has unlocked through playing the game. There are a wide variety of costumes to choose from so it’s always fun seeing what new costumes the developers have thought up. The Halloween event which is currently going on is filled to the brim with some great Halloween costumes for characters, that are worth unlocking. This game is also highly customizable in other ways. There are many unlocks to find in loot boxes. These customization options might change how the character’s pose at the end of the match or lines they say. Gathering everything for a character is always fun because there is so much to learn about character’s in the unlocks.

It would have been nice to have some form of local co-op for the Switch version. I think as a portable game system it was kind of something people might have hoped for. Overwatch is great but it can only be played over the internet. Maybe there could have been a local mode for one or two players, with rewards and the like gained when the systems are connected to wi-fi. Though even without this, the game is still as wild as it has always been.

It might be hard to justify buying this game for a second time for Switch. There is no crossplay which means anyone buying it will be starting from scratch. But, to have the game on Switch is pretty cool, maybe there will be eventual crossplay. Plus if the user has a high powered computer it, of course, won’t look as nice on the Switch. This version is great for anyone who has been dying to play the game, and it works, so buy it if it works for the player.


This game would be even better if it supported Overwatch everywhere. In this game, players can only play Overwatch connected to the internet. It could have been cool to have a Switch specific local co-op, but alas it doesn’t. This game is great and even without being playable everywhere, it’s not a huge loss. Overwatch is fun no matter how its played and that’s a great thing about it. These heroes are off to battle, will the player lead their team to victory?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided